Core 2 Interaction: Lab – Questionnaire

Describe your previous experiences with coding.

I've taken Core:1 Interaction class last semester and Critical Code class so I've exposed to HTML and JS slightly.
And it was so interesting to set some ids on html because I could arrange my codes well.
Actually every part is the most confusing part but if I have to choose one, I'd like to choose the cursor part.
I wanted to change the cursor or icons on my website when I hover over it but I still don't figure out how to do that

How excited about learning code are you?

I'm very excited and nervous about learning code at the same time.
Because if I miss a letter, the code doesn't work so I need to find out what's the matter letter by letter.
But when it works well, I feel very excited.

How do you imagine coding fitting in with the rest of your design curriculum and career after college?

I think my future job and coding will be related a lot.
I don't know exactly what I'm going to do yet, but in addition to designing the website myself,
if I work with coding technicians I can determine what's technically able or not and maybe I can give solution for them

What text editor do you prefer to use?

I don't know what "text editor" means.
I didn't use any text editor but just write down the codes on Atom.

Have you used GitHub before? Do you know what it is? Describe your understanding of GitHub.

I've never heard of Github and I have no idea about it as well.

Describe the relationship between HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

HTML can be a basic level of a website.
It creates the whole structure of the website and I can stylize the website by using CSS.
And Javascript helps to change the elements of the website.
So, if HTML is a face, CSS can be makeups or accessories which make the face more stunning and Javascript can be clothing.

Using each HTML heading tag, list your favorite foods ranked by importance

Medium rare Filet Mignon steak



Korean Barbeque

Halal food

Create an unordered list and link to some of your favorite graphic design or development related websites.

  • : I like to work with vivid colors, and this website has a lot of colorful works.
    I think I will be able to refer to the color mood well as I enjoy using various colors in my works.

  • : I wanted to do 3d work with various vivid colors, and this site has a lot of 3d graphic work using colorful colors So it will be very helpful to me.

  • : Various works such as photos, posters, books, etc. are listed in an easy-to-read layout, so I can refer to them later when creating a website.

    Insert an image that brings you joy to the page.


    Insert a video embed into the page.

    Create an ordered list of the top 5 countries you’d like to visit.

  • Spain
    1. Barcelona
    2. Seville
    3. Granada
    4. Valencia
    5. Madrid
  • Russia
    1. Saint Petersburg
    2. Moscow
    3. Vladimir
    4. Novosivirk
    5. Yekaterinburg
  • United States of America
    1. SanFrancisco
    2. LasVegas
    3. Atlanta
    4. Orlando
    5. Chicago
  • Greece
    1. Santorini
    2. Zakinthos
    3. Samos
    4. Chios
    5. Mykonos
  • Thailand
    1. Chiang Mai
    2. Phuket
    3. Bangkok
    4. Koh Samui
    5. Krabi

    Use pre tags to create a simple concrete poetry version of a Haiku or other poem you write.

    can't          sleep         again
    kept p r o c r a s t i n a t i n g 
    and  p r o c r a s t i n a t i n g
    doing                    homeworks
    it's    not     just   my    fault
    it's   true     that   we     have
    bunch           of       homeworks
    so                               I
    can't          sleep         again

    Write an HTML comment that is hidden from the browser, but displays in the code.

    Create an unordered list of at least 6 musical artists you like to listen to.

    • LAUV
    • AC/DC
    • SPYAIR

    Describe the difference between block, inline-block and inline elements.

    A block-level element always starts on a new line.
    On the other hand, an inline element does not start on a new line and only occupies just the width it requires.
    And I can set height and width values with inline-blocks